Does anyone know where the next Joy event will be??
Hi mate, this is the info for the next event…..
This month we have a special apperence by Altern 8 doing their thang on 4 decks and two mixers for 2 solid hours. anyone who has experienced this before will already know this is deffinetly not one to miss.
we also have another extra, extra special treat who goes by the name of MC FOX…The original MC from the infamous Gallery (Leeds) on his very first outing since those mental days of the early 90’s who in turn will be performing along side the original Gallery and of course Joy resident….The man like Steve Luigi. This is the first time in years these two have even been in the same room as each other so expect some crazy going on’s..
Other DJ’s on the night are DaleTheDisc, Sully, Paul H, Chris Walker, new boy Caine Brown and obviously Kells+Tots with yet again another mental ending to the evening!!!
Percussion on the night is provided by Huddersfields best…Aron.
In the 3rd room we have the best in quality up front US soulfull house with the DJ’s (and good pals) from The Space, Leeds (sat nights)
Doors open 10pm till 4am
Price is £8 before 12PM and £10 after. Once again their is a discount for all OSA members and NUS card holders.